Tarqabin Nusantara Group is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal publishing across various spectrums of science, technology, and especially medicine. Tarqabin Nusantara Group was founded in 2023 with the aim of combining the highest editorial standards with the ‘best’ of new publishing technologies. We have an office in Malang, Indonesia.
Nama Penerbit (Sesuai dengan AKTA) | : Tarqabin Nusantara Group |
Bentuk Badan Hukum | : PT Perorangan (PTP) |
Nomor AHU | : AHU-051608.AH.01.30.Tahun 2023 |
Website Penerbit | : https://tarqabin.com/ |
Alamat | : Kota Malang |
Propinsi | : Jawa Timur |