Yayasan Pusat Pendidikan Angstrom or Angstrom Centre of Education (ACE) Journal Management is the new publisher for innovative, interdisciplinary, comparative, and global research in education and development of education. This journal publisher is expected to serve as a publication media for quality scientific research, which can be accessed online (Open Access) by the world people and international community. The article published in this Journal is an article that has passed or completed the review process by peer-reviewed.

Nama Penerbit (Sesuai dengan AKTA): Yayasan Pusat Pendidikan Angstrom
Bentuk Badan Hukum: Yayasan
Nomor AHU: AHU-0017392.AH.01.04.Tahun 2018
Website Penerbit: https://educationcenter.id/
Alamat: Jalan Golf Kavling 4, Malang 65142
Propinsi: Jawa Timur